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Click the "My Resume" button to access the full version of my resume! Below, you will see the highlights of my resume. 

Student Teacher. Austin High School

​Spring 2020


Observed multiple classes led by a veteran mentor teacher. Prepared a project-based lesson plan that was to be conducted over a three day period. Worked closely with a veteran teacher and a fellow UTeach student teacher to plan and implement lessons. 



Student Teacher. Crockett Early College High School

​Fall 2019


Observed multiple classes led by a veteran mentor teacher. Prepared and taught two biology based lessons, with a focus on inclusive teaching. Worked closely with a veteran teacher and a two fellow UTeach student teachers to plan and implement lessons. 



Student Teacher. Murchison Middle School

​Spring 2019


Observed multiple classes led by a veteran teacher. ​Prepared and taught three physics based lessons, with a focus on technology as a teaching tool. Worked closely with a veteran teacher and a fellow UTeach student teacher to plan and implement lessons. 

Student Teacher. Brentwood Elementary School

​Fall 2018


Observed multiple classes led by a veteran teacher. ​Prepared and taught three animal behavior based lessons. Worked closely with a veteran teacher and a fellow UTeach student teacher to plan and implement lessons. 

University of Texas at Austin. B.S. Chemistry; Composite Science Teaching Certification



Completing a teaching certification while also fulfilling the requirements of a B.S. in Chemistry, in one of the top university chemistry programs in the world. Working diligently  to help others understand and grasp specific concepts. 



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